[Nongshim] Ansungtangmyun 125g || 安城汤面, 安城湯麺, 안성탕면

Extracted broth soup by boiling, pioneer of the age of noodle soup!!

‘The soup tastes great, just the thing for my taste’. Famous as this phrase in Korea, Ansungtangmyun was developed with the proposal to realize the flavor of cabbage leaf soup enjoyed at old country markets.

The deep flavor extracted from beef bone and meat brings the original flavor of cabbage leaves together with soybean paste and chili powder. The thick broth soup and chewy thin noodles are beloved by Koreans. ‘Ansung’, the long-standing breadbasket, was also famous for its beef market so as named as ‘Ansungmatsum’ which means ‘Ansung is fit for all’. Nongshim paid attention to the high recognition of Ansung by consumers and emphasized the local name and broth taste by using ‘Ansung’ in the product name.

The first soup concept ramyun of deep broth soup set a new record of sales totaling KRW 4.1 billion in just three months from its release. In the next year 1984, its annual sales recorded over KRW 20 billion. As Ansungtangmyun became popular, ‘Youngnam-tang’, ‘Honam-tang’, ‘Seoul-tang’ and other imitation products were introduced disproving its popularity at that time.




安城湯麵が人気を上げるとラーメン業界では’安城湯’, ‘湖南湯’, ‘ソウル湯’ などの模倣製品が次々と登場し、当時の安城湯麺の人気を反証することもありました。

‘내입에 안성맞춤’ 이라는 광고 문구로도 유명한 안성탕면은 1983년에 라면 최초 ‘탕(湯)’의 개념을 적용한 제품으로, 한국인이 좋아하는 구수하고 깊은 국물맛과 라면 고유의 얇고 쫄깃한 면발로 대중적으로 사랑받고 있는 제품입니다. 안성탕면 35주년을 맞이하여 구수하고 시원한 맛의 해물안성탕면을 출시하였습니다.

Weight125 g
Product Name

[Nongshim] Ansungtangmyun 125g
[Nongshim] 安城汤面 125g
[Nongshim] 安城湯麺 125g
[농심] 안성탕면 125g

Type of Food

Producer / Location

Date of Manufacture

Expiration Date (Quality Maintenance)

Capacity (Weight), Quantity, Size by Packaging Unit

Serving per Container


Date of Release

Package Information

Raw Material and Ingredients

– Noodle: wheat flour (australian, american), potato starch (germany), palm oil (malaysian), rice flour, gluten, egg shell calcium, refined salt, noodle additive alkali (acidity regulator), blending agent (acidity regulator), garlic seasoning, guar gum, oligo-green tea flavor, vitamin B2
– Soup: purified salt, seasoned seasoning powder, jeongbaekdang, fried miso powder, seasoning base, savory seasoning powder, savory flavor powder, beef bone base, soy sauce seasoning powder, skeletal extract powder, seasoned miso powder, hot bone spice powder, 5-ribonucleotide sodium, dried seaweed, spicy powder, beef bone oil powder, fried seasoning, broth seasoning base, egg scrambled, black pepper powder, disodium succinate, salted red pepper powder, chili flavored powder, complex seasoning powder, bulgogi flavored powder, yeast seasoning powdered powder, garlic freeze-dried powder, powdered caramel (starch syrup powder, caramel color), pepper flakes, rich flavor seasoning powder
油揚げめん(小麦粉、植物油脂、でん粉、米粉、小麦グルテン、食塩、にんにく調味液)、食塩、調味シーズニング、ビーフ風味粉末、砂糖、粉末みそ、醤油調味粉末、唐辛子調味粉、わかめ、にんにく粉末、唐辛子フレーク、パーム油調味粉末、胡椒粉末 / 加工でん粉、かんすい、調味料(核酸等)、増粘多糖類、酸化防止剤(ビタミンE、緑茶抽出物)、カラメル色素、香辛料抽出物、乳化剤、酸味料、ビタミンB2、(一部に小麦・大豆を含む)
– 면 : 소맥분(호주산, 미국산) , 감자전분 (독일산) , 팜유(말레이시아산) , 쌀가루 , 글루텐 , 난각칼슘 , 정제염 , 면류첨가알카리제(산도조절제) , 혼합제제(산도조절제) , 마늘조미액 , 구아검 , 올리고녹차풍미액 , 비타민B2
– 스프류 : 정제염 , 양념조미분말 , 정백당 , 볶음된장분말 , 양념장베이스 , 고소한양념분말 , 구수한맛분말 , 사골우거지베이스 , 간장조미분말 , 사골추출물분말 , 조미된장분말 , 전골스파이스분말 , 5-리보뉴클레오티드이나트륨 , 건미역 , 매운맛분말 , 비프본오일분말 , 볶음양념분 , 육수맛조미베이스 , 계란스크램블 , 후추가루 , 호박산이나트륨 , 염장고추분말 , 칠리맛풍미분 , 복합양념분말 , 불고기맛분말 , 이스트조미분 , 마늘동결건조분말 , 분말카라멜(물엿분말, 카라멜색소) , 고추후레이크 , 진한맛조미분

Allergy Information (FDA Regulations Only)

Basic Recipe for Product

Basic Recipe for Product
1. Boil 1 1/2 cups (550ml) of water.
2. Add noodles and soup base.
3. Cook for 4~5 minutes and serve.
1、把550ml(约2 1/2杯)水放入烹饪锅熬汤。
1. 水2と3/4カップ(550ml)を沸かします。
2. 麺とスープを入れます。
3. 4-5分間茹でて器に盛りお召し上がりください。

Food Pairing

Genetically Modified Food

Pre-deliberation on display advertisement

Whether or not an import declaration is required under the Food Sanitation Act

Storage Instructions

Avoid direct sunlight and store in a cool, dry place.

Quality Assurance Standards


Since this product mainly uses agricultural raw materials, it is susceptible to insects, so be careful not to damage the packaging and cook immediately after opening.
– 本品の原材料には以下のアレルギー物質が含まれています。 小麦、大豆
– 使用する原材料の変更などにより、ウェブサイトに掲載されているアレルゲン情報と、製品パッケージに記載されている内容が異なる場合もございます。 ご購入、お召し上がりの際には、お手元の製品パッケージの表示でアレルゲン情報をご確認ください。

Customer Service Contact

Return/Exchange Location




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